He'll be 8 in November, Crow. He's been ogling my collection since he was really small and we started playing Mordheim about a year ago. He asked...
Most of them are "in-progress", but with my boy getting involved in gaming, he wants to get painting so I expect to have a lot more done. Images...
Greetings all! Done with being a long-time lurker! After a LONG hiatus from Fantasy, I'm excited to be getting back into wargaming in general...
Thanks for the recommendation! And Lizard-Ogre should totally be a band-name:...
Thanks n810! Would that be Woogity and Rikard? (I've been reading through the forum all day, should have gotten further before I created this...
Hi all, I'm recently returned to the hobby and handed off my Lizardmen army to my son to field. He's not a fan of the current Kroxigor models...