Unfortunately, Pha's protection only works against attacks that occur during the shooting or close combat phase as per the wording in the spell in...
It was actually clearer in an earlier FAQ that had words to the effect that unmodified LD was just that, unmodified and detailed several examples...
This is allowed since the BRB states that maximization is for "models in base contact" vice number of models fighting - a subtle difference that I...
While cupped might help you, rumination is guaranteed to help you each and every turn. I fully agree with Irish Lizard's excellent assessment and...
Skrox are the best unit to take it out if you don't have tons of shooting available. On average, 10 wounds are needed to drop it due to the 4+...
16 witch elves (a mere 160 points) + mindrazor - will yield 32 attacks with poison and re-rolls to hit. Details as follows: 1) Hits - 8/9 chance...
The new nurgle DP is probably the hardest nut to crack in the WoC list because it is unbreakable and everything short of a scar vet/OB in the...
Another option might be to simply give the scar vet the ruby ring of ruin and spend the points on another unit of skinks or a 2nd sally. While...
My last few games, my slaan has died on turn 1 or 2 from the following various combinations: 1) ToV + cupped hands 2) ToV + soul of stone...
To begin with, the combination is entirely legit and effective, but only under perfect conditions (which obviously occurred) where the opponent...
Ogres should do just fine against Empire. The ironblaster can take care of the stank and chicken-knights while a large block of irongutz can lay a...
I figured that interpretation of dispelling ToV "at any point" would raise a few hackles and having learned it the hard way by being on the...
Irish and David have provided some very good examples of the situational decision that needs to be made with regard to stopping throne of vines....
High elves are generally glass hammers - the elite infantry (white lions & swordmasters) are lethal in hand to hand against unbuffed lizards since...
David has covered it quite well. Depending on how the rest of the army is set up will likely guide your choice between steggie & sallies. Here are...
At 3000 points, you can take just about everything in the lizzie arsenal. Based on night gobbo opponents, the biggest threats are going to be...
Overall, nice mix of units. However, given the expected opponents are daemons, dwarves, ogres & skaven, you might as well remove the old blood &...
Just to add to what Arli has said, use terrain to your advantage when triggering fanatics. Fanatics die if they hit terrain (other than hills...
As per the rules on page 70, a frenzied unit can only declare a charge against the nearest, viable enemy unit if it fails the LD test, regardless...
In yet another stealth FAQ change, the old FAQ dealing with killing blows, overkill and challenges has been removed from the most recent version....