The skrox's krox cannot upgrade but the champ isn't worth it even on a pure krox unit IMHO. I also run my skrox 24 + 3 with standard and musician...
You can also field a slaan with the crown of command. It is highly versatile as it allows any unit in the army that the slaan joins to become...
Actually, I use my standard krox in this manner quite frequently but there are two caveats I would add before recommending it. First, run 3 krox...
I would suggest more TG and fewer saurus since TG can shred elves (but can really get hurt by SM or WL). This could easily be done by dropping the...
The wraiths are allowed to make way if they are not already in contact. Consequently, the best way to deal with such a unit is by a combo charge...
I think the ethereal issue is a hold over from a prior edition. Currently, the only limitation (as per page 68) is that a non-ethereal character...
For a lot of HE players that play Teclis, any potential threat makes them break out in hives. This causes them to over react to the threat and...
Too bad we couldn't mount him on an ancient steg and have him fire one of the giant blowpipes. Hmm, sniping 2d6 shots with poison on 5+ would be...
For the mounted scar vet, another good build to keep him around vs template shooting is to go with charmed shield, dawnstone & left over points on...
Whether or not the scar vet needs to be mounted depends on the rest of the list. Having at least one thing in your army that cannot be...
Of note, direct damage spells have ranges, hence they are a "ranged attack". Also, one of the main FAQ questions indicates that "ranged direct...
The portent of warding description only includes wording about "any ranged attacks". Since there is no specification or limitation to the shooting...
Definitely the scar vet. For a 500 point game, a skink priest will give you a 2nd level caster with a comparatively weak lore that can easily be...
Dragon helm is popular since it is a comparatively cheap method of getting a scar vet down to a 1+ save while still employing a great weapon or...
Given that the intent is to create a balanced list vice one specifically tailored to ogres, sticking with light is a good choice since it provides...
The only requirement is that the krox are in the 2nd rank so either formation is acceptable. With 24 skinks and 3 krox however, a horde formation...
The impact hits are randomized with 5-6 hitting a krox and the rest killing skinks unless your opponent decides to roll a pile of 1's to wound :D
We must be using the same dice! The worst part is when I predict it before rolling and then, after failing both times to avoid the miscast,...
Just one minor amendment on the the Throne of Vines save to avoid the miscast. The dice roll to avoid the miscast is not optional, it must be...
Metal is not really a very good lore for this type of list since it doesn't mesh well with an army that already has scaly skin. Light works well...