Here is the update from the Ogre FAQ that eliminates the ability to combine greedy fist with death spells: Page 62 – Greedy Fist, second...
Only one panic check per phase so once the unit has passed one that phase it is good to go (pg 62, right hand column, 3rd bullet point).
I also play wood elves and let me tell you that I would kill to have Tzeentch as an option rather than the lore of Athel Loren!!
Well, another game involving WoC last night but we had an odd number so it was 2:1 with WoC on both sides! I have amended my earlier post to add...
I've played against the new WoC four times now over the past two weeks and the army got a very nice update that made some things better and some...
Actually, the skinks should not have been steadfast since skirmish units cannot benefit from the normal ranks and steadfast rules (page 77, "light...
Just one more item to add regarding the use of skirmishers - they are steadfast in woods!! If placed in a formation to minimize contact from the...
How you use the skirmishers depends on what role you want them to play. If attrition is important, then care needs to be taken to keep them out of...
The cold ones won't really do anything of note other than not get thunderstomped and the unit really isn't that much of a hammer since the best it...
Chamo skinks can be useful but in this instance it would be necessary to field two units because the organ gun is very likely to kill at least one...
The skirmishers go into closed formation before the charge distance is measured and rolled for. From the example, the closed distance would have...
As per the BRB rules, the skirmishers "immediately" close up into a normal formation "before a charge distance is rolled" (page 77, 1st para under...
The sally rules are quite explicit about firing one template at a time. The issue of an "immediate" panic check is based on the wording on page 62...
The sallies shoot one at a time, not all at once as per the rules on page 56 of the codex.[2nd last line of the para under the "spout flames"...
I generally field 3 units of ranked skinks with musicians and have had pretty good success with them. Remembering that they are a disposable...
The wording in the BRB for the death attribute specifically mentions purple sun only rolling as many dice as the model has wounds on its...
I just changed computers and forgot my password for the forum. When I tried to log on with the new computer, no message was sent to my user email...
Just a few technical points and then some overall comments. The 1st cowboy is illegal - mounted characters are not allowed to take a mundane extra...
ZaGreekie: 1) Sallie templates - positioned 7" from the flank of a horde of 25mm troops and aiming on the line between two ranks, they will...
For the EotG, at the very least the priest will absolutely need the dawnstone to help stay alive since the bulk of the troops you are fighting...