The 180 degree is a relic of either an older set of rules or even another game system. Off the top of my head, War Machine comes to mind as the...
There are a few items (e.g. Cupped hands) and some spells from older books (WoC nurgle cloying quagmire, buboes, etc.) that have wording to the...
As stated earlier, the only definition given for LOS (that I have been able to find) is on page 10 - implications are a recipe for disaster since...
@Qupakoco: I fully agree that TLOS is less than ideal, to put it mildly. However, I think the 2nd thread you provided confirms my original...
Is there any page reference in the CRB or FAQ for this?
With the MR granting a ward save, even one scroll is more than enough given the slaan has becalming. One option to consider is the diadem of power...
Since the advent of 8th edition, I have found the generally accepted rule for LOS on a model was the 90 degree forward arc. However, while the...
Against O&G you are generally better off with saurus. Skrox will give away far too much combat res against even gobbos and since the gobbos are...
Note that a frenzied unit does not have to charge if it is within range, it is simply required to check to restrain the charge with a LD test. For...
FAQ can be found at :
The general FAQ clarified this by changing the wording so that each cavalry model counts as 2 wounds lost and the spell recovers "wounds lost" so...
The other big advantage of skrox is that they cannot be stomped or dreaded 13th. This makes them very good at taking on big monsters that would...
Thanks Switchblade, I just found the table on page 46 that very clearly lays out what you have indicated and also answers the question on...
You could always meet cheese with cheese. Field 6+ units of skirmish skinks and a large block of TG. The skinks form a front screen while the TG &...
I had an unusual situation on the weekend during a tournament involving a multiple combat where one of my units was destroyed and this left an...
Chaos is a fairly strong army with good magic and the best combat troops in the game. Both units of warriors are likely Tzeentch since this gives...
Re: Tournament Summary, Fought VC, Empire, and Beastmen (lon Nice battle report with loads of detail and it sounds like a lot of fun with three...
TG are excellent combat troops so I always try to maximize the number that are fighting. Even with only 20TG, I like to go 10 wide - that way I...
It is a nasty spell against lizzies due to the low initiative but here are a few methods I have found useful: 1) kill the wizard - often easier...
The defended obstacle stopping impact hits was from previous editions, it is no longer the case. Apart from having to do a dangerous terrain check...