The biggest threat to the slaan is going to be getting wounded rather than broken with the crown of command (LD on 3 dice with a re-roll). There...
The only time you would lose the benefit of poison is if the to-hit roll is higher than 6 - a situation that will be the case for normal blowpipes...
I tried out a core heavy lizzie list that sits around 50% and it was very successful at a recent tourney I participated in (see 2500 tourney in...
In terms of effectiveness, skirmish skinks with blow pipes are better since they can march and shoot, put out a higher volume of fire and the...
The strength of the model can be modified via a spell to increase the strength of the stomp but it is not modified by weapons (i.e. gw or...
Well, the plan of the Old Ones was brought one step closer to fruition this weekend as my lizzies surged to victory at a 2500 point tourney. Here...
VC's have always been a handful and the dealing with the multiple shriekers makes it even more difficult. While I love my own carnie lord, I have...
Page 55 of the army book, right hand column, 4th para provides the info on armour save for regular and ancient steg (EoTG is obviously the latter).
First off, I fully agree with the previous views that the chosen-star (CS) is best left alone or delayed by feeding it cheap units to redirect it....
I use precisely that same formation (albeit with only 24 skinks). As LT & Hebus have indicated there is no requirement to have skinks on the side...
I must rise to the defence of the much maligned skink brave as a champion. I invariably field them in my skrox units and occasionally in my scout...
I would strongly advise against even attempting to use such a cheesey and unsportsmanlike "tactic". There are ample valid methods of dealing with...
There are really only 2 units in the HE army that are a threat: white lions (WL) & swordmasters (SM). Both units can beat lizzie infantry in a...
With such a massive battle, we actually only had one combat where more than a single character was involved as both sides had tried to maximize...
The only lizzie units that can take magic banners are COK and TG, hence the need to give the slaan a flaming banner. With regards to skinks, the...
Given that we were also playing "beerhammer" that is actually a very accurate description :D
Over the weekend, I got together with a few friends for a battle of five armies with a green theme all around. On the one side, a WAAAGH horde of...
Overall, looks like a pretty solid list with that block of saurus being able to hold up just about anything for quite some time and, if any...
A good option I find is to take a slaan with the flaming banner and no TG in the army (not really required when fighting skaven IMHO). The slaan...
There shouldn't be any problem with fielding the slaan in a TG bunker. As per the rules, the Slaan is in the 2nd rank and cannot be touched from...