A friend of mine plays beasts and I have developed some alternatives to magic and shooting if you either want to engage in or cannot avoid combat....
Phoenix guard (PG) should not be ripping through either TG or saurus since they are only S4. Horde on horde or with roughly equal models fighting,...
You are in luck as there is a rather extended current thread that is ongoing dealing with daemons of chaos at...
I have played against ogres a number of times and would have to agree with LT that sallies are a far better choice than razordons, especially...
The chariot is nothing like it is in 40K other than perhaps the model itself. Like most chariots, the biggest danger is on the charge when it has...
My earlier post with the mathhammer was intended to serve two primary purposes in responding to tactical questions in this thread to illustrate...
Yes, the skrox will definitely lose quickly if facing a full strength bloodletter (BL)horde and skinks will die in droves but the same can be said...
In my experience, sallies work very well against daemon core troops, especially bloodletters in horde formation The template will hit ~20 per...
The WD insert only introduced a new slaanesh chariot and the soulgrinder monster (SGM) and increased the points for screamers and flamers along...
Doesn't work since Tyrion has dragon armour that grants 2+ save vs flaming attacks. @ Durandal: Just read the HE book and you are spot on,...
I second the motion for javelins for two more reasons. First, they can also fill in with the krox to form a Skrox unit, thus giving flexibility to...
There are several of the smaller rulebooks for sale on ebay for ~$20 that I would strongly recommend. As well as being very affordable it is also...
If your HE opponent is bringing Tyrion vice Teclis, rejoice since he is unlikely to have a high level wizard as well since Tyrion is very...
See page 72 of the CRB. The bottom part specifically mentions characters passing on MR to their unit.
The point level has a very strong impact on what will be in a DoC army as the greater daemons are more expensive than a fully kitted slaan so you...
In a combat with multiple units on each side, all break tests by the losing side are resolved at the same time to determine if any unit is...
Panic (pg. 62) and break (pg. 54) tests are distinct and different tests although both are leadership based. Under Malekith's rules, any druchii...
Malekith is not unbreakable, he is only immune to psychology. His special rule about autopassing tests applies only to panic tests, not break...
So long as your unit is NOT engaged with a foe (i.e. all enemies in contact have been destroyed or broken) then it is free to pursue one and only...
Yes, the unkillable dreadlord, aka "Chuck Norris" is a royal pain in the butt. I would tend to agree with LT that lore of death is a better...