I Just saw this on Wargamerau and had to share it. As I am an Aussie and also a former Chaos Dwarf general this had me in stitches. Enjoy lads,...
i have been using mine on foot with the dagger of sotek, in a cohort of skinks. its okay, but i think i could find a better setup.
Thanks for the feed back guys i will have to test it out
i see the reason for the slann also being the asb, 2 magic banners in my tg would make for a nice buffed regiment. :jawdrop:
Hi all, I am adding a steg to my temple army, i am going to use the special choice with the bolt thrower, but before i assemble it wanted feed...
Yes because of this embargo, I was going to build my army slowly, but now I have just purchased 2 battalion boxes and a steg, so I am off to a...
Thanks for information guys , it helps a lot.
Hi all, I am new to the lizards less then a month old, and I am wondering why most lists have the Slann as the asb and not a scar vet? The...
I like the seeding of cheap hero's I tend to do that in my Gobbo horde, and the steed of shadows adds a nice addition to it.
Sorry about this mate, but the faq states he cant use the carpet.
Ninja gekko's? They sound like fun
wow, that shield really pops.
Hi and welcome
Looking really good, i like your Slann, that is a nice paint job. :beaver:
Hi Sao, No models as yet, I have a habit to buy first play second and realise what I have purchased doesn't suit my style of play. So this time...
Hi all, My name is Peter and I have been playing Warhammer since third ed, However this will be my first foray into the Lizardmen