WONG! Page 105 clearly states that: In the case of a Stone Thrower, which inflicts hits at two different streinghts (assuming that model's base is...
Actually i preffer my own converted OB carnorider. And for people who do like to use the actual model, you're better off using him as a regular...
Yea GW decided to rework the allignment sistem compleetly, replacing Good vs Evil with Order vs Destruction, and even though that left most racial...
No they don't, they just have a special rule that happens to do the exact same thing.
Even skaven?
As stewart usually does.
Yes they are netrual in relation to good and evil . But they are not neutral when it comes to the order and destruction. This is a major change in...
It either passed a lot of stubborn checks until the enmy forces got stomped out of existance, or it was too crippled by shoting and/or magic to do it.
They where like tools designed for specific purposes. Slaan – trusted companions, tasked with the terraforming process and overseeing the empire....
Is this a monetary oppinion or did you actually try to use them as a main battle force, because that's not what they're for. There is a...
Under the new rules you can only use a regen or a ward, not both at the same time, so this discipline got usless. Not only are you forbidden from...
Actually the possible charge range is 22" Movement of 10 (the maximum characteristic allowed ingame which can only be ignored by random...
No there are several races that where there when the Old Ones came, two that i remember off the top of my head are the draon ogres and the dragons...
You need to understand that the concept of order for the lizardmen is a bit different from everyone else's. For them anything that isn't in...
Also skaven have a ton of warpstone weapons all of whom count as mgical.
What the hell are you talking about, i don't see any "The Order" in the BRB, it says that the forces of order just have simillar broad goals,...
Wow im flaterred :oops: Ok lets see, seems to me that if the pponent wants to be an asshat you can just take the unit aside from the 3 skinks...
Because the ramy book says so on page 7: The whole sentence on the fourth row of the very first paragraph.