It's name contains the word spear but its description classes it as a lance so it's a lance.
Yup 3D6+1 autohits, provided the steg lives to ASL, which it will against most enemies. However if the enemy has even 5 models remaining he is...
In the rulebook bestiaty stegadons are classed as monsters, so they would be getting thunderstomp.
This is not exactly true, models don't "step up" you simply remove casualties from the back of the unit, there is usually no difference in how the...
You meant tasty.
That is what makes razors great sallie guards, just pissiton yourself in a manner that makes it impossible to get in on the sallie without...
How the frenzy rule interacts with mounts and riders is explained quite well in the cavalry section of the BRB (sorry no book on hand, to give the...
Loremasters falls under the "has no choice in what spells he knows" category that is specifically exempt from the "no duplicate spells" rule.
Yes spells are stackable now, its great for gut magic and actually makes the heavens signature spell a nice spam option.
Takes a look... Oh yea it's on page 6 seems Ogres and Halflings where rushed into existance at the same time Men where.
Yet house rules are needed in may cases where GW has neglected to give proper rulings, all you really need to do is not cater them to whiners.
Oh yea Zed is right the FAQ even says you can throw vortexes on friendlys.
Wait what? OT: Great fluff can't wait to see how The Solar-Powered Ones' luck changes in battle now that you've posted it.
The book dosen't mention them specifically but i think it mentions that just before they left the Old Ones left some chaos resistant races behind....
Wrong. Direct damage spells cannot target units in CC, regardless of weither or not the wizard is fighting them. Everything else is correct.
There are few other sources of miscasts left nowadays.
Win. Small units of missile troops hate rocks landing on them, beware of swift reforming tho, try and land in a forest if possible they have...
It is worth noting that the slaan can only do that if he has no enemies in base contact.