After seeing the Araknarok model i'd say even a full grown thunder lizard isn't out of the question, as for the uncontrollable part GW fluff has...
I dont know bout you guys but i'd kill for some cold ones that are on par with what DE got.
Hmm, equipment for a solodon chief you say... How bout a casket, oh and also a will.
You do know javelins also benefit from the jungle poisons rule right?
@ Gor-rok Yea it's different, skaven pack masters (i think thats what they're called) are a part of a mixed unit and have their own special rules...
Hmm that's a good point, it even says in the monster and handlers USR, that the monster (or warbeast in this case) is treated as the extent of the...
*Clearing up* He cheated the rules for units of multywound models do say what you think they do – as soon as the unit looses enough rank and file...
No it says theyre warbeasts with the "monster and handlers" USR, which is a bit different than being a monster with handlers. Eitherway as long as...
You roll an artyllery dice, it says nothing about rolling a scatter die which is a compleetly different kind.
I've seen a Woc list that had a lvl4 Death and a lvl 2 heavens, he used blizzard and doom and darknes to get enemy units on -4LD, it was nasty.
Erm the very last paragraph in the parry rules clearly states frenzied and mounted models don't get it.
That and the -1 to hit and -1LD effects of the signature spell can rack up fast and hard.
Aareason – because people are chicken of warmachines. The new more accurate artilerry rules hit monsters that along with steadfast made monsters...
I like these: Scar vet, armour, shield, blade of Chotec and Dragonhelm – a great lifeslaan guard with his 2+ armour and flaming protection (to...
Also use the cube of darkness, dropping all RiP spells is nasty for an almost all RiP lore.
Nice of you to call him a cheater and then cheat yourself :P The regeneration spell is for the wizard and his unit only ;)
The champ could be tricksy and take the burning sword of Chotek, that way you aren't stuck with an all flaming unit and can still (eventually)...
Me, i go for the banner of swiftness and blood statuette, altho other combos work just as well depending on playstile.
Yes at least that's the logic behind people taking fire mages and having a character with the fireball ring cast 1st, to get him some extra power...
Lets see here, potion says bearer has +3 init, so seeing as the carnosaur is not allowed to take magic items i'd say only the OB, who is "bearing"...