Except it gets to shoot on the march, so its up to 12" better ;)
Actally the sallie is the only warbeast with handlers (other than the razordon) most of the othetrs run solo (like chaos warhounds) or in a mixed...
Yup there are such items (in the beastmen and DE books i believe), and that answer is for them. And the powerscroll dosent cause a miscast it...
You mean can't spray fire in CC. Anyway a sallamnder shoots exactly as it says in the army book, not only that but since it is a skirmisher it can...
Do not take Transcendent Healing the new rules do not allow you to use both a ward and a regen so this thing (almost) never works, and sure as...
Sadly no as the whole unit must have it and the skinks don't, if they die tho the sallie gets to use it.
It also makes casting LD reducing spells on the enemy general (or the unit he's with) pretty hillarious. Fluffwise i believe that being led by an...
No need to be sorry it is a very common mistake. You might want to bring this to the attention of your group at the store, they might just not...
Yes, that would make cold one Cav 2+, and it makes it rather easy for saurus and even skink chiefs to acquire good armor saves.
No he dosen't, its 25% Lords and 25% Heroes, not 25% Lords & Heroes.
You should also give a thorough read at the generating spells rules just at the start of the BRB lores. It's actually well written and very clear.
Actually rumination sucks unde ETC since you can only generate 2PD with it each phase. I never suggested a steg priest, heck that will fill up...
It says flaming attacks, not flaming and magical (like the burning sword of ruin spell), to have a magical attack you either need to have a...
An ancient stegadon maybe ;) Anyway i voted 8th as it runs a bit smoother, making the game go faster, allowing for more fun in less time. PS:...
Meh two lvl 1 skinks for cube and scroll work ok as backup. Other than that stick to the slaan by all means, just don't automatically discount...
Sometimes a slaan just cant pull the whole magic phase on his back, that's the whole point of having backup. Also when an opportunity arrives to...
That's just it the whole point of spears vs hand weapons is weither you want to throw more dice when attacking or when saving. By the way i...
Great masses of marauders (Blizzard -1 to hit and LD ;)) several cannons (Blizzard shut down on 4+ and comet) as well as some DE whitches (re-roll...
Sadly it only works on magic missiles of which most lores only have one.