Does this include mounts? Anyway for good ETC lists youll likely run an economy slaan with no rumination, loremaster and possibly a cube of...
Oh well live and learn ;)
I'm afraid you sort of cheated here unless you have house rules that allows you to ignore the 6 dice per spell limit when playing low point games.
Hmm i must have gotten my shields mixed :D In that case i'd say go for it.
I would like to point out that nothing messes up ogre magic like the cube of darkness, with most of their spells being remains in play using it to...
Altho i agree with this i must point out that the charmed shield is redundant, first he hasa a halberd and second a regular shiled is sufficient...
They are currenlty forced to cooperate, if not compleeetly, with the other races of order just to get rid of chaos, once that is achieved there's...
Kroak is the better of the two. But with a regular slaan you're better off all you really loose is the no-limit on dice per spell and the special...
For freinds – Light. For tourney wankers – Life.
Challenging a killy character so he dosen't mince a handfull of saurus – removing your steadfast.
Yup it is lost as, A) you are not the one suffering the miscast result and thus loose no dice, and B) the enemy dosen't loose dice as he has no...
FAQ clearly states cupped hands are used after the result has been determined.
That's a pretty good build, i usually go for a halberd instead cuz he's the only saurus with some init to him and take firefly poison (which sadly...
Generally i'd assume lizardmen see warmblooded races as too emotional, illogical and unpredicable. Sort of like how nerds see women...
You forgot dwarves, i'd put them in the same likelyhood as humans, as long as the little buggers never get wise as to who caused the great quakes...
Well by extreemly strict RAW, throne is used before the result is determined and hands after, but i was mugged in the "rules help" section of the...
Yup loremasters have no choice in what spells they have, they must have all, so they are ignored for the duplication of spells rule.
According by accepted RAW: When you miscast and have both throne and hands, since it's your turn you get to choose in what order to use them. When...
That spell also reduces LD by one which is awesome.
Except the tank impacts you back which sucks.