Yes as it hepls your character to cause wounds, wich the bane head then doubles. No, as it has it's own targeting rules wich say anywhere within...
To add to this, i would like to point your attention to the blood statuette of spite and the fact all elven mages are T3 or worse :clown:
Erm no, when you roll a double then you get a 6 and you pick another spell, so you just need to pick the other spell first and then swap the...
Got that right, light was made to nerf warmachines, add an engine and you can have a ward save or make it easier to spamcast, seriously -1 to...
Actually the net compleetly shuts down the cannon as it allways fails any characteristic test aside from LD and Toughness, it's in the rules for...
Lets see now... If the slaan has life: Your hold will be better off using a flaming grudgethrower instead of Quarrellers to kill the regenerating...
Oh the slaan can have it he just can't use it, that's why you swap it out for the signature if it comes up on him.
Or buys his spells or an item that allows him to cheese his spells, or in some other way has no choise of what spells he knows.
Ahh you mean horde units, that's totally different from deathstars. Well in that case as long as you can keep frogger safe from enemy magic he...
Deathstars regularly include charracters, who regularly carry magical gear, and to top it all off Han Solo Mc'frog can't refuce challenges (hello...
Try this thread.
Better find out here than on the table i allways say ;) Edit: In fact seeing as our lvl 4 costs so many points i would suggest you let your...
And yet many have neither...
It won't work that way if you're desparate allies i'm afraid. Altho having a teamie is a great way to score another dispell scroll for your cause.
And thus the customer service mith is busted :P
No offenc but... Do you even know what allignment means? Because one of it's definitions is: A state of agreement or cooperation among persons,...
Actually the pipes, and poisons in general, are great for high T low armor targets, giants and ogres are prime examples, altho anything with a low...
Never happened to me, but i really can't see a way for it to get melted before getting in the box without scarring it if there is no damage on the...
There is no "the Order" in the BRB it just says some races are the forces of order, which does not magically result in some alliance named "the...
Overall they all have theyre uses but some are better than others. Arranged by cost/effectivness ratio" 1. Ancient steg – great beast he higher...