I would take off the chamions in the saurus because the only thing the are good for is challenging other champions. I dont think the fire...
Kroq Gar Lord 20 saurus Core 725 Full C razor standard Lvl 2 skink Hero 452 horned one...
do you think I should switch crown of command for a paranah blade and tahe a shield?
I would say you have to many preist, take out 2 and add chaneleons skinks and change the steg to an anciet steg
I would take out the scar vet because he reilly serves no otherpurpose then just to beat stuff up. With extra points I would make the steg an...
for the slann, take off harrowing scrutniy. terror is not the best in 8th. put on rumination and get that extra dice per spell, also take of the...
I use the free army builder at http://www.rengels.de/warhammer/lists/lizardmen/lizardmen.php. There is also a elf, skaven and other army builders...
Thanks for the light armor tip, I have updated my new list
This list is for a turniment coming up monday Old Blood 287 GW Glittering Scales Aura of Quetzl crown of comand cold one Priest 90 Scroll...
Also some one above mentioned the range of javlins to be greater then blowpips, is that true?
blow pipes seem the logical choice because they do not cost extra points any way. I soppose that javlins give quick to fire and a shield but there...
Do you always double tap and go for the -1 to hit
well theres the question, for sirmishing skinks do you find blow pipes or javilins better
your core will lose almost any battle it starts so try what my opponet does and just take the minimum amout of core in the form of archers so if...
That horde of skink idea is rielly great. Would you recommend a scar vet or skink chief to be in that unit carrying the banner? Also what lore...
i play an opponet who uses skaven and I am countinuely massicered by him. He is very fond of rat ogres and gutter runners. He also uses the plague...
Go 16 temple guard, 5 bty 4. Cut two chameleon skinks to have 2 units of five then replace the ancient steg with a skink preist on engine with a...
Since the Lizardmen were the first to have magic we should ghave some ultimate spell avalible to the slann. Some thing like a lizardmen version of...
Thanks so much, do you have any suggestions on how to take down a plague furnace? Also here is my new list Slann-life 370 mystery rumination...
SO my opponet is a brutel, well expeirenced skaven player and I am still new to the game so here is my list Slann 370 focus of rumination Higher...