Indeed, immune to psych, despite the name, does NOT make you immune to stupidity. Check the psychology rules.
just to clarify, characters + their mount only take up the one character slot unless their entry says otherwise. That goes for any army.
sounds good to me. It sounds like you're looking for more of a crystaline appearance on the scales, in which case I'd first try a base coat of...
it's not that poison doesn't work on magic weapons, it's that the item in question specifically affects mundane weapons only. Given the shear...
As for your heros... Talisman on the priest that's on the engine is a little much I'd say. He's already got a 2+ and we're talking 1000 pts...
the carnosaur inflicts d3 wounds on a model per attack. In the case where unsaved wounds get multiplied all those wounds are inflicted on the...
Re: H:skaven and others, looking for cash or trade I added some stuff, and still have everything listed.
Wow! Last I checked you hadn't been on in over a month! I've got 3 squads (30 models) of the 4th edition (i.e. macragge) snap fit marines (which...
Not sure what specifically you mean by "harsh," but I'll agree that the dry brushing is particularly overdone on the temple guard (painting for a...
You might be able to special order a sprue (so 6 skinks there). If you do this through your local store you should be able to do it with reduced...
Duly noted on the weapon teams. They usually don't do much when I play skaven, and I'm used to them targeting regular troops anyway, hence my...
I didn't say "assume," I said "pretty confident." In other words, a good or even strong chance but not a definite one. When you've got 6 or 8...
If your main concern is thinning out the blocks, salamanders are great for that. The main problem with salamanders is that Skaven will usually...
2 Sallies w/ 4 handlers each is going to run you about the same as 3 Krox, so in theory, those two should be equally effective. The real question...
First, Chakax is probably not a points efficient choice for what you've got currently. One of his major abilities requires there be a Slann,...
Thought I'd show people my lizards up to this point. I bought my first lizards (five kroxigors and a slann) about a year ago now, although my...
You'll find several units in warhammer that take a little pre-planning when you assemble them for exactly that reason. I hear khorne blood...
Just be sure to model them so that they can be ranked if the situation arises (i.e. if they get into combat) since skinks are a little tricky in...
Have you gotten the army book yet? The thing about spears on saurus is that they become VERY hard for most units to break on the charge simply...
Just added the points, and you've got points for a bit more than a warbanner. Anyway, some suggestions... Give the saurus units standards, not...