Are the skrox units worth there points cause for less points i coukld have another ancient steg... Which one are better? 2 skrox units or 1 skrox...
Thanks ill take out the reg steg and put a carnosaur and a dispel scroll
should i even bother with the regular steggy? IS the bow even that good?
Please comment...i normally play vamps and ogres. Many thanks! Slann Mystery Rumination Higher State of Consciousness Cupped Hands of the...
Well first i have to see the shipping cost - prob 10 - 15 (i guess - for the flat shipping rate boxes) for all the dwarves stuff ill take 35 and...
Hey i have a lot of random dwarves and goblins from the Skull pass set that im willing to trade for lizardmen stuff! Dwarves (unassembled) 12...
Has anyone ever tried a skink horde? Are they worth the points (200 for a unit of 40)
has anyone tried hording with skinks/ What do you think is a good unit size for reg and skirmisher skinks?
Cool thanks for the advice i guess ill try with a 6x5spears and 2 5x4 H&S
or should the bigger unit of 6x5 be spears and have 2 smaller units of 5x4 H&W
hmm i normally face vamps and ogres but 2 units of 5 x 4 spears would be sufficient to flank etc
So would a good unit size for 3000 - 4000 be like a 10 x 3 H & S with 2 units of 5 x 4 spears or would it be be better for a 6 x 5 H & W? Thanks...
Well i have 32 spears whats the best unit size for then lol (what by what)
So taking 8x4 would be useless Should i increase the unit size to a 10 x 4?
Are spears better in 8x4 or 10 x 3? What is a good unit size for skinks/ skirmishers?
What would you do when they charge you? Just get out of there fast? Are they worth for their points and how many are a good number to have around?
Whats the best way to deploy/ use chameleons
Is he gonna be better on an ancient steggy?
Which are more useful in the long run? Is it worth putting a chief on one, if so which?
Slann Mystery, Rumination, Higher Consciousness Cupped Hands 420 Scat Vet Cold One Burning Blade of C Maiming Shield, Light Armour 140 Priest...