Yes but don't forget, if you are summoning units, then you are not casting anything else, including mystic shield. It works in our club.Summoning...
Sorry, should have said. We play max 5 spells per turn.
Yer, then the undead player needs to decide whether it is beneficial to summon or field from the beginning. Summoning also means not being to cast...
Lol, It is only a suggestion and the way we play in club. Same rule across the board, even for daemons, undead etc.. anything that can bring units on.
Yep. 20 Saurus Warriors are way too overpowering in one summon.
The way we play it down the club is you have your comp point score.. Ie SCGT 100pts, if you wanna summon you can take a side table, so reduce your...
I have started a casual campaign for Age of Sigmar to give a platform for people to write fluff and battle reports for their armies and showcase...