Are the heads seperate from the bodies? I like the bodies but not the faces, was thinking of converting with diff heads.
Hm - I'm having the opposite experience. I'm building 2 at this moment, and both have gone together beautifully. In fact, the whole time I've been...
For those of you that have assembled Steg's already - can you tell me the height (inches) of the model right to the highest point (for example,...
1. I'm painting mine green :) 2. see answer above 3. dunno - the book probably sheds light on this but I generally dont need an excuse for a...
Yeah I guess it's not the best. I hear the lizardmen are too big looking for the entire DE cold one models. Honestly, I hate the lizardmen ones so...
Somebody actually seems to have put the DE cold one heads on one of these, and it looks decent. Just would be a pricey option for sake of aesthetics
He looks amazing, I hope I can get one!
that's really disappointing to hear about such a great looking kit. I remember having problems with the VC corpse cart kit (the rider) and...
This is the only one I saw online, kinda small.
Hey guys - who's that model I see ranked in with the Saurus in some of the photos of the latest white dwarf? He has a bit round banner that looks...
Hey folks (uber newb here, sorry if I seem dense about this) - So far I have 16 Saurus Warriors assembled (with command) and a color scheme...
Cool, I appreciate the input.
Hm - ok cool. Im actually interested in more than 1 stegadon possibly (the model is so awesome). Was interested in at least one Engine of the Gods...
Ok. I guess if I don't paint the Skinks blue I might like them a bit more :) Also, I could use the DE cold ones instead, just makes the unit pricier.
Hey guys, I'm interested in getting 1000 and then up to 2000 points going, but I tend to gravitate to models I dig before I go for tactical...