Yeah Terradons are m2 Lol :D
I agree with Eternity_Warden. No point in writing anything else, he hit that nail on the head... :D
LOL! I second this. :smug:
Unless you want her to lose drop the silver helms, they suck... Field Dragon Princes, and to be heavy cavalry at say 2000pts, you field 2 units of...
Are you sure about that? the blessing of the lady says it only affects models iwth "knight's vow, grail vow, or questing vow" and the mount has...
I don't think a cheif can have the plaque of tepok, I thought to carry arcane items you had to be at least a lvl 1 wizard?... Which is why there a...
I just have to mention that any lizardmen player will use the multiple shots rule with blowpipes, so they aren't equal attacks... Chameleons can...
That's why most of the bluetablepainting ones are called "notreps" because they are making a serious, fully detailed report... They are having...
Yeah I've considered blade of realities before as well, it can help kill the BK themselves but the vampire lord is like ld 9 and other vamps are...
A paladin rides a Royal Pegasus which is a monstrous mount. So you do randomize shooting hits, it doesn't have an armor save (i don't think...) If...
Well... I can't really kite them well, since he sets himself up so he can charge multiple things. So even if I put terradons infont of his unit,...
Uhhh... A scar-veteran is hands down better then a unit champion. Considering the stats alone he is worth it, but also take into account he can...
So is this list better to handle the VC and such? :D Slann Mage-Priest - Level 4 - Focus of Mystery - Focused Rumination - Becalming...
Ok, well that leaves me with 3... ...and, if I drop the salamander and add becalming i'll have 30 left over, add the extra 30 from the terradon...
Yeah, a salamander doesn't do much against VC (it wasn't meant for BK just other blocks) so against him I might do an edit to have the becalming...
I agree, where do I get those points though??? o_O
Lol! :D I'd sign that petition... ;)
Here, devour this list and regurgitate me something that will work... :smug: Slann Mage-Priest - Level 4 - Focus of Mystery - Focused...
I'll throw the slann list ( already had one waiting on the back burning for your expert advice ;) ) into the other thread about the VC deathstar...
Yeah I've heard alot about a slann doing a better job against my VC friends new cheese-tacular power-list... But this list is also more for...