Ok, I've been trying to beat my VC friends deathstar unit for a while now, I'm about to go play a game today and I already feel like I'm gunna...
With the cold one riding general and 16 saurus ranked 6x3 he gets +2 for rank bonus...Not sure what one more would do. Two more, you could rank...
Oh sweet, so an oldblood is going to have 6 attacks once the carnosaur gets frenzy. Give him scimitar of sun resplendent, and maiming shield for 9...
I started WHFB in 2003 with my Bretonnian friend. He started as Empire, Moved to High Elves, and Then became comfy with Bretonnia where he refuses...
"mount to rider..." ? Is that true? If my oldblood is on a carnosaur and it's blood-frenzy starts, the oldblood gets frenzy? I thought it only...
No, its not by combat phase, its by combat...Combat only begins when you charge, or get charged, and only ends when you or the enemy break, or you...
Correct, he doesn't count as a large target for trying to use the banner on him to affect the damsels...
Wow...not really feelin' the love on this list, huh?... Is it too perfect, or does it need so many corrections and advice its not worth the...
oh yeah! forgot about using hills or large targets... :D
Note: I missed where it says the damsel or prophetess MAY be placed in the second rank... Meaning he doesn't have to...If he does, then my post...
Well it just so happens I own the bretonnian book and there is an easy answer to this question... Page 41 Paragraph 1 Line 5... "However, a...
Regardless is the banner only effects skinks and not the unit, the mount gets frenzy if the rider has it... ;)
Well the FAQs are by games workshop, and sorry to burst anyone's bubble but...they made the game....it's their rules... You can't ignore the...
Re: Div's Lizards! (Updated with clear pics) I've been redoing my lizards colors and I think its hilarious that alot of our colors match up!! I...
If a unit of razordons is shooting, in particular standing and shooting, and one misfires only that one doesn't shoot. So a unit of three standing...
This is my first attempt at making an army around a Carnosaur, so any advice is welcome. Also, I have so many terradons because I have 5 models,...
IDK about UK prices or whatever... But "CCGarmory.com" is at least 20% off year-round, with free-shipping in the US and free-shipping anywhere...
Well I have the Wood Elf Book, and waywatchers can deploy 12" away right out in the open! So for fun, here's a quote.. "Forest Stalkers Clad in...
Yeah to be honest, Beasts of Chaos is probably the worst army right now... Your at a disadvantage, and you only have a chance playing cheesy lists...
Yes Waywatches still have the rule "Forest Stalkers"... This allows them to deploy as close to the enemy as they want as long as they are out of...