Your oldblood items aren't going to give you 6 str 6 attacks... The maiming shield states its off your base strength, so the blade's +1 won't...
Yeah, previously they were the same as waywatchers just had different names for the same rules...
Well, Scouts and enemies have an additional -1 to hit them ontop of being skirmishers....
...To be honest Idk how the Salamander US works. I would assume its 3 for the Sally and up to 4 more for handlers...that or the handlers don't...
Today is the first day of snow... ( Sleet really, but still, snow is coming soon...) I dread the winter, the bad road conditions, the ice...
I must be the laziest guy here, Lol! I simply left the priest and skinks off the howdah...I spent alot of time on it, and made alot of detail...
Yes... If you roll a 2 and instantly kill yourself (and prolly take some temple guard with you) the enemy does get VP's for that... Unless there...
In friendly games its up to his opponent....In Tournament games, you must use the newest book. And I personally would say use the old book or new...
Yes it does last through the enemy turn. Thats the only time you would get shot by ranged attacks. The abilities (excluding Burning Alignment)...
Thanks for pointing that out, he actually called me like 3 days after and said the same thing. Glad you caught that though! :D
9 out of 10 times...Yes...
RAW = Rules As Written It's playing the game by the rules to the letter. The very way a rule is stated can infact change its meaning, a single...
My bretonnia playing friend does this alot...He makes special characters, usually hero level, and gives them very funny special rules. We test...
My favorite has got to be Scar-Vet with Hide of the Cold Ones with the bsb in a unit of saurus, then (in an army with slann) cast bears anger on...
Well...if you gave the skink a horned one, the whole unit becomes immune to fear if he is in it, plus he takes the spot of 2 saurus. Or you could...
Errr...Looks perfect. I can't really see anything that would be better, just some stuff I personally would do.. Looks good, Good Luck.... ;)
Yeah, but you can't have a magic banner, with any magic items...That was the reason Enigma said what he said, and he was correct in that...
Spears are a must...Your getting 10 extra attacks (5 wide) or 12 (6 wide)... Doubling your offensive power is worth the one lower armor save......
Damn....I typed this long, detailed 4 paragraph post about what to take, and it was amazing... But it somehow messed up and got deleted, and...
The extra terradon just helps the unit survive longer since they have alot of work to do, marchblocking, warmachine hunting, and such. Also if you...