I vote the smiley-face counts as a fifth word, so you lose... But seriously, of course that unit would have serious issues, though...with enough...
I think a chariot isn't really something lizardmen would have...Jungle is too dense... Still your model looks good though...
The average is prolly 5 with no upgrades or standard... Some perfer to field 6, or 5 with a scar-vet... Many will put warbanner in with the unit...
So personally I'd say drop the Carnasau-...wait... *re-reads post* Ohhhh... I see... Uhhh....Yeahhh... Well the MSU saurus isn't a bad idea, I...
Yeah you can't really use this to proxy for anything in a lizardman list...but you could use it to proxy in several other lists...tomb kings, high...
Welcome to the forum! :D
Well if your just imaging then you could imagine a 3k game and imagine 8 cold one with full command, oldblood with blade of realities, scar-vet...
A stegadon isn't usually the best choice in low point games, makes the rest of your army too small. If your going to do it though, I'd suggest an...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Lol, I'm glad you think I'm Pro? I'm far from pro, at least...in painting. My real skill comes in playing,...
A female playing warhammer and joining the forums? Blasphemy! Lol Welcome to the forums, glad you could join our ranks. I think you'll find all...
Correct, they count as the mundane version and have magical effects.. :D This means maiming shield confers a 6+ armor shield, and can give +1...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Your champ looks very good, and I like how you've gotten silver in there. The marking on the skulls is a...
Yeah, tomb kings are pretty awesome, I would definately have to wait until the new book. But as long as they keep the Casket of Souls, Light...
Well, I don't mind taking something thats evil since I'm already playing the good guys.. But idk if I really want to hop on the skaven train,...
Well, I just made a list of things I'm getting from people for xmas warhammer related. They all had to come and ask, so they knew what to buy, so...
I just have to mention since no one did yet... Blade of Realities leadership test to instantly slay an enemy model with no saves of any kind, is...
Well, Often times people don't take a Stegadon/EoTG at 1000 points because it is a huge points sink. But it can be done. You just need to...
Lol, yeah... I think we just get easily distracted.. But in all serious-ness, welcome to the forum. There are alot of people here with plenty of...
I find most...rather, all...the lizardmen special characters to be way to expensive. You can field alot more useful things with all the points you...
"BezZeMad" - What's that supposed to mean! We made the language (well the English did anyway) Well, actually even the English only slightly...