No it doesn't take up rare/special slots...Otherwise it would have stated so, like a dragon, or such...
Oh wow, you might be right. I suppose they could "see" him and simply have charged after the yeoman moved out of the way, but most of the time GW...
Oh, yeah I see the way I said it made it sound like I caused enough wounds to kill all the yeoman, rather I caused enough for them to break, I...
Turn 6 Lizardmen - Cold ones reform to face knights of the realm, saurus reform to face my deployment zone, terradons rally with 2 terradons...
Turn 5 Lizardmen - Cold ones charge grail knight block in the flank, they were 13.5" away, so it was close. My terradons fly down over top left...
Turn 4 Lizardmen - right unit of ranked skinks charge peasant bowmen by top right hill. Saurus charge flank of grail knights. Terradons charge...
Turn 3 Lizardmen - Cold one riders use huanchi's banner as they charge 17" across the left side of the feild into bowmen on top left hill,...
Turn 2 Lizardmen - Salamander moves out of bottom left forest slightly towards middle of table. far left skirmishers move onto top left hill...
Turn 1 Since bretonnians pray to the lady I automatically get option to go first...I take it... Lizardmen - No charges, for standard movement I...
Terrain; Terrain was pretty much like the 4-side on our 6-sided dice, two hills on his side, two forests on mine. They weren't quite in the...
Bretonnia; Bretonnia Lord - Grail Vow, Warhorse, Sword of the Ladies Champion, Armor of Agilulf, Gromril Great Helm Paladin - Grail Vow,...
Well, I'm back with a battle report from yesterday. It was pretty big and epic, I hope I can remember all the details, one thing I do remember is...
you can have one unit of 3...but I don't advise it, one should be enough to help out and cause panic, etc. Three is a big points...
Well I'd definately like to point out you can't take three units of a single salamander as that goes over the rare slot limit of one for 750...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy You b@st@rd... Lol, I'm just playin'. Thats a really lucky deal, and I can see your using those bits...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy Wow I really like the contrast of colors on the saurus and skink, though its a bit hard to see the teeth on...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy I think your painting skills are very good, I'm glad we'll get to see different units up close and such. I...
That would only make sense if games workshop made all the fluff make sense. Regardless of the item description saying it kills the enemies soul,...
I've heard that multi-unit models (such as a chariot) will test off its Ld for something like the BoR ld test. And the Screaming bell has a Rat...
Oh yes, thankyou. Re-reading my post does make it sound like you could save them if it didn't dispel. (but you can't) ;)