Wait... In Saurus -Warriors- o.0 ... What weapons did they wield? Spears or Handweapons? And does the slann still only occupy Second Rank or does...
yeah, an unlikely alliance has been struck between Ogres and the Warriors of Chaos, and I need to get my game-face on; Problem is; I have always...
... I can't tell you how to deal with Deathstars... but I can tell you how I deal with them ^^ first up; Skinks... lots and lots of skink...
I'm going up against WoC this afternoon; and I'm playing a 1500 Pt. Game, and in short; I'm taking my Slann with Lore of Light, (Focus of Mystery...
true, I will hand over these tips and tricks you wrote down as soon as I see him again. I think it's also important, despite this being a...
funny, my skaven opponent always fields his units in hordes, so I funnel him into a corner, and have my saurus be all badass and stand firm...
Lore of Life/light. the prospect of T8 WS4 S4 A2 Temple-guards is something that makes even Warriors of Chaos cringe in fear, not to mention...
Ogres are a tough bunch, best I can say about ogres is make sure you have either a slann that has lore of Light or Shadow. Decrease their...
one has to wonder then why the Temple-guards still have hand-weapons in their list?.. and that it hasn't been FAQ'ed?...
In my situation, I tend to wield Halberds, simply for added Strength, and that can do a lot in Close Combat against enemies like Ogres. against...
If it's hidden in a unit, I just use Dwellers or something likeminded, and dwellers ignores wardsaves if I'm not mistaken. ^^ and even with all...
I think I can guess why; Light doesn't have a fail-safe against miscasts... thanks ^_^, I think I can take it from here ^_^ I'll post once more in...
Lore of Light?... hmm, I always ranked it as one of the lesser lores, especially when compared to the lore of Life. I mean, the prospect of a...
yes.. I understand it so far, but that still leaves the question on how I can kill him as quickly, Lizardmen aren't exactly known for their...
what exactly does Greedy Fist and Armour of Destiny(isn't that the 4+ wardsave armour? o.0) do? ... and wouldn't getting in range of becalming...
Okay, so I was looking through my models, and after a horrendously annoying lore of death moment past week, I find myself working up from an angle...
I had a plan to do a themed skink list, with Tehenhauin in the lord class as a the general. But here's my main question; can I put Tehenhauin ina...
I just hope the revision into the hard-cover book will be better than the errata we have now... I mean, can't have a carnosaur lead the charge in...
I've only got points for 4, and models for 2 T^T the others are unpainted and un-ensembled o.o... I suppose that if I put the un-assembled wing on...
would Terradons also be a good addition to an army like that? o.o