I always viewed each subclass of Lizardmen in their own sort of views of different races. I suppose the slann are the least emotional, and...
yeah, let them bring back the Sacred Spawnings! Bring entire armies of different types of Saurus Warriors filling every nook and cranny of your...
ogres, skaven, Vampire Counts, Dark elves and a player with High elves and Lizardmen as well o.o
recently I've been wanting to dust off my Carnosaur model, and give it some more action(because, despite the model being probably the coolest in...
.... so I was looking through my models, and the Temple-guard helmets, sure, I can see what they are, but what exactly is Chakax' helmet made...
I just have one more weird question; is it possible to have 2 Units of Templeguards, and 1 Slann Mage-priest? or will the Temple Guard special...
I'm just typing this from memory, so I might get this wrong, but if your Slann is within the Temple Guards, then he could do that, because in...
I have a couple of questions regarding the Slann mage priest at 2000 points; A) What kind of Disciplines should I give him? I Usually run him...
I actually beg to differ :3 I think the Lizardmen might very well be the pinnacle of order; They have been known to suddenly shift the world in...
Amazing xDDDD that must have put a dent in that players pride xD, and I think he'll be quite jumpy about skinks next time. my opponents are very...
okay, now you've got my attention :3 then what would you suggest? 1 slann, 3 skink priests(amongst which 1 prophet), and start casting all kinds...
True, banning or changing it might seem harsh, but there is literally no other army that is as disadvantageous against any spell like Lizardmen...
my group is a bit less co-operative... they thought about changing it a bit, insted making it a 3+ for a kill on anything... but that still leaves...
Recently I played a second game in which someone used the Lore of Death... And it was plainly unfair... We had a scenario similar to Last stand,...
also one tip: if you're not really feeling very lucky: don't attack ogres... o.o, it hurts. trust me I battled ogres last friday... I got...
I like to field Heavy Saurus Armies, they are tough, durable and they are dependable.... except against ogres. Ogres are a crime against Lizardmen...
Well, the Amber Spear has S6 and Multiple Wounds(D3), and the upgraded version is S10 Multiple Wounds(D6) Lore of Lights's upgraded Shem's...
so basically: shoot it with everything you've got? o.o... did I get that right? if that's the case, I'll use my Slann-skink combo, with Cupped...
in a few days I'll be battling Skaven. And he'll be fielding a Doomwheel. first time I'm opposed to that bloody thing, and I've seen that thing...
oWo thank you soo much ^^ I was having so much trouble with that ^_^ I kept getting this bug where it was only allowed to be one pixel wide o.o...