Because the unit as a whole does only have one unit type, and that is "Unique". Since Stomp only works on Infantry, it doesn't work on Skrox units.
You use the highest available leadership unless stated otherwise (Assasins for example).
Not only does he stomp, but he gets Impact Hits as well. ;) Exploiting Frenzy is a definite possibility, although at LD 8 it's far from sure...
Well, he has 1+ AS re-rollable (Heavy Armor, Shield, Ramhorn Helm, Gnarled Hide, Dawnstone), so there goes that theory. ;) I'll try to feed him...
I have rekitted some of my characters. What do you think, is this equipment better? *************** 1 Kommandant *************** Slann -...
Kroxis on their own are absolutely worthless. They strike last, are way too expensive and only get S4 Stomps. Skrox don't have to bad, you just...
15 saurus w/ spears The spears are a waste. At I1 they strike after pretty much everything and at that point there will most likely be no 3rd...
First of all thx for the reply. I made a small change to my mounted hero after I saw that he'd get only a 2+ AS in CC, which isn't worthy of a...
I have a little tourney coming up. It'll be my 3 friends and usual gaming partners and myself pitted against each other in something we call the...
They have the special rule "Undead", so...