Umm, dogs of war are characters and units at can be used by any army right?
I can see the logic in that, and it is a good reason since the army books are not balanced yet, so why try to put SC (I hope that stands for...
I am in no way a serious player and only do it for fun. Yeah, I am probably gonna play it at some point in the near future, but right now it's...
I know that we won't get the same characters, it could just be nice to have some at least
I will do that then, hopefully it will be good when it's finally out And a quick question, are all special characters like Kroak removed from 9th...
Are there more good than bad things with 9th age? This looks like a plus, but are the big nerds on the Lizardmen still enough so that I should...
Okay probably gonna do that then. When you say hobby-ruining spells, is it like the purple sun of xereus? I have heard it was really good against...
Are there any big changes to the general rules? Or are they mostly the same as in 8th? Hmm, then that might be the best thing to do
Sounds sad :/ was Lizardmen really strong in 8th?
So I am a relatively new player to warhammer. That being said, I have, together with a friend, chosen to play 8th edition or 9th age. And I don't...