someone knows good tactics lets post a reply with the tactic, everyone can just use them then :)
but are there realy no restrictions?
if a reg of archers wanna shoot at a group of temple guards with slann, may they specialy shoot at te slann or not?
i had a crash on my computer, i cant get pic's now, im on my ps3
sorry i had a computer crash, im now on internet with my ps3 for some weeks, cant make pics for it:(
yes you can say that, but only the river is not removable... so my tactic always work... he wants to play nou at my table cause i have no river......
srry, my oldblood wasnt on a carno, on a cold one... i think i have painted this in a 2weeks - a month and then im gonna count points :P
i have painted 10% or something my first stega is very cool. i dont know when i gonna make pic's but il wait til i have 60% painted
lol you can make your own chameleon hero?
i made from saurus stuff and one cold one cavalry made a oldblood, not full painted but he looks alraedy great, and i found a link for good...
wow nice
Slann 40 cold one riders (5 regs) 48 skink blowpipes (4 squads) 48 skink warriors (2 groups) 32 saurus warriors (2 regs) 3 stega's (1engine...
well painted :D :P :D :D :) :P :P :P ;) ;) ;)
woooooow that's good... they got to make a box of it in the stores in the netherlands...
ye there looking good, but maybe a (little) more light color, now they are so dark... but you can paint awesome... there good, better then mine are
that last cant, with his magic i cant go through bushes, and other things with trees, then you have an open field and 3waywatcher regiments :(...
'hey all, i have a problem with my saurus, i play much against a friend with wood elves, but ALL my saurussus ar death before i charge, so i need...