IMO our units, as far as the more cost effective ones, feel more like they are all Anvil units. Then the rest; chamo skinks, skirmish skinks,...
Thanks man. However I don't know about the Hydra being dealt with just skinks and chamo skinks. From all the games I've seen the DE players play...
Well its a primary CC army. Even the HC. So pretty much strategically march forward, not exposing flanks and getting into CC on turn 3 and...
So then where is the Killing power mostly coming from? Since everything seems to just be for wittling them down in those types of list. Is that...
Remember they are Skirmishers too and can turn (reform) whenever they want. You can fly over a unit, drop rocks, then turn to face their rear for...
Updated the list. Changes listed on top of OP. I think this setup without the Steg and adding Scar Vets will make the list much more versatile...
A lot of the threads I saw here reregarding dark elves is out dated or for 7th. Now that its been 8th for a good while I was wondering what you...
Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all your help so far with helping a new Liz general on his feet. :) I've been looking at a lot of the tournament...
Hi everyone! This is my new list I am thinking of using. Any suggestions or changes will be much appreciated! What do you guys think? List...
Ya...I'm thinking now of actually just using the Feedback Scroll + Banehead combo. I think it's better for what it does. Since I have life and...
LOL really. oops. meant to say they were for support heh So heavy skink suopport :)
Thinking of making a very strong list with heavy skink support. They are super cheap for what they do and they can take out such large threats,...
I thinkk Ahab discounted advice for catching the whale from his friends and the whale got the best of him and killed him... :P
Like myself and others have said before the most efficient and effective way to take care of that 20+ unit of chosen is to redirect it. In my...
Hi guys! I've been thinking about doing what so many people have suggested and adding a Scar Vet to my army. I will probably be running him in...
Thanks for the advice guys! Here is the new list...what do you guys think now? Took the advice and put a Scar Vet in there. I've never really made...
Hmm..interseting...what would you guys suggest me dropping for the Scar Vets? The list is pretty tight already. Also Arli: by 2 extra...
My Lizardmen list I am planning on testing out. I will be testing blocks of 30 Saurus Warriors then blocks of 40-50 Horded. Will also play around...
Thanks for your quick reply man. List will roughly be: Life Slann 2x Ancient Stegs 2x10 Chamo Skinks 1x Skirmisher Skink 2x1 Salamanders...
So I'm a new lizzy general and I've been researching, rummaging through forums and asking advice from other lizardmen generals. All with different...