But you already used those dice to attempt to cast the spell. They are discarded after they roll a 6 but still used to attempt the cast. Look at...
Are you sure? Feedback Scroll says to roll a dice for "every dice used to cast the spell." It doesn't say any dice used that is used that...
Do you guys know if I take the feed back scroll + bane head + becalming cogitation...will this alllow the 6s to still count toward the scroll? Or...
Hmm..on the Skrox units...T2 skink fodder...seems like any CC oriented unit will be ripping through it super fast. It get's quite expensive too.....
Hmm..ya for a non-horde group is 30 Saurus warriors (the way I plan to run them) maybe HW/S is better? I'm having a hard time picking out our...
So...this seems lie a really awesome item to take on a Life Slann. What are your guys thoughts on taking one with a life Slann over Cupped Hands?
Hmm...what would you say is our good hammer units then to guard the flanks and such of our anvils? Saurus dont seem very killy unless we take...
^ This So hes going to waste 1 maybe even 2 turns (remember WoC are very slow like Liz only M4 march 8) to just walk around it. Its sitting in...
Pretty much what Wolf said. I am new to Lizardmen but I know WoC since that's the army I am leaving for Liz. All those people who are taking 20+...
Thanks you guys! :) Some awesome advice. Thanks for answering a bunch of my questions guys! It kind of opened a can of new questions now... :)...
Wow thanks for the insight guys! Love the advice! That's very sad to hear about the Stegadons. I don't want to really run more than 1 because of...
Wow! Thanks for the quick reply Lingbei! I appreciate that :) Looking forward to more Lizardmen generals to answer the questions as well. Thanks...
Hi there! I'm switching armies over from WoC to Lizardmen and am looking forward to joining this community. I have a couple questions for you...