I used to struggle with sala's until I read something that changed my life. BE 8 INCHES AWAY. AT ALL TIMES. Eight inches will effectively...
This is a common question- sliding in combat. There is no mention of sliding in the rulebook. It states about charging: "The unit must move...
I agree that Rules as Intended would keep the slann challenge proof. However, this is a game of RAW so we need to bring those champs. Because of...
In previous editions after the rejected challenge you were placed back into the front rank. I believe this happened after combat resolution so...
ALMOST FORGOT! THE THING I WANT MOST! Swarms that don't crumble! If our jungle swarms could hold a unit for 2 turns instead of 1 I would LOVE THEM!
I think our book fits in great with the current rule set. That is, any large change would cause a large point change which would change how our...
Venom what a great way to fluff out a bad rule! (seriously not being sarcastic- I love it) Can you fluff out why we cant drop rocks on the...
I actually have a scarvet/oldblood mounted on one! Dont have my camera with me, but will post a pic next week.
Not an oldblood build but could be changed to fit. Scarvet- Purpose: Monster control/wizard sniper. (HPA anyone?) Scarvet Cold One Light Armor...
OK- Army: 22.5B (the coding I use to label all my lists) SLANN -Rumination -Soul Stone -BSB -Feedback Scroll -Bane Head -Plaque of Tepok (NO...
Good points made. To be honest, I really haven't tried the Skrox unit. I will bring one out to see how it does on your recommendation. My only...
lots of views but no comments?? Any advice would be appreciated.
I agree that I am very skink light- in fact, I don't have any "normal" skinks. The reason being as follows: For me, skinks serve two functions,...
Hello, Slann - Lore of Light -Rumination -Soul Stone -Plaq. of Prot -Cupped Hands -BSB -Banner of Domination Scar Vet -Great Weapon -Light Armor...
SO, 1500 pt. game against dark elves. Now I know they are tier one, however, what happened in that game shouldn't be possible. The situation is...
Thank you so much! I really liked the in depth review of the different kinds of terrain, as well as how to deploy around them. I like the idea...
:) Cant wait for the first one! I hope this keeps you busy while you recover! Thanks and Good luck!!! ~Sandman~
I love the list! I wonder what the big block of cohort is for? I love the cohort, but I've never run them above 10. Your magic phase looks...
I always love tactic discussions and I think it would be a great project! Maybe it could even be a in depth question/answer thing. For...
Thanks Haunted, that sounds perfect. I'm not sure what I'll do with the remaining points, but it will probably be camo skinks or something. I...