Ah you might be right, didn't check that when I was playing them! Working hard to try and get zombie dragon on my Vampire Lord. Mannfred has his...
Going deep with my Vampire Counts.. Enjoying this so much! Since you can rename general Lords, Heroes and Units alike I'm conquering the old world...
I recived the minis I ordered form Red Box but dont have a good enough pic of them yet but I'm very happy about them. The models look great and...
Finished off some homemade rivers and bridge today. Got corner bit aswell and working other river sections aswell. Been thinking of buying some...
Don't have many pictures from our sessions, but here are some and will keep in mind to take more in the future haha. Previously on my D&D.. The...
Very well you two.. I'm on it! [img]
Thanks and hah, not sure about that mainly due to my campaign not taking place in the Warhammer universe. Got a whole other world for my D&D which...
Finished off some more stuff for the upcoming D&D session. :) Still waiting for delivery of the minis I ordered. Hope they will arrive soon!...
Cheers! And the salamander is from the same as the others I linked, Red Box. :)
All those minis are from Red Box. Hope to get most of their models as they look great!
Thank you! And cheers for the vids, never worked with greenstuff before as I never thought I would manage to sculpt anything good but that looks...
My Saurus Oldblood is now ready and has joined my Lizardmen forces! My Slann is also ready bit couldn't get a good enough picture of it tonight,...
Sign me up for 1 Rex! dimon@hotmail.se
I ordered a box of Judicators the other week but I received a box of Liberators instead so I finished them up and used the swords options for them...
I got told that the Slann I bought had already been bought... So I get to pick something else to replace it in my order. God damn it.. I was...
Found these on a local webstore's "bargain corner" and got these for 140 SEK (11 pounds I think). Nice little catch in my book, no throne for the...
Here are my classic saurus warriors. wasn't a fan of the old weapons nor shields so gave them spears as well as modern shields which I had plenty...
Started to sort all the Lizardmen models I got in the latest package and I managed to glue few parts before it ran out. Bad timing.. But now I'm...
Thank you! :) Yes, my main colors I go by are Red, Black and Silver. Mainly because it's the colors I had the most off when I started painting...
Swedish auction site called Tradera. It's where I get most my stuff from and keep a close eye on 24/7 haha The stormcast starter package has been...