Looks like a fun list. My last game I played, I finally used kroak and was surprised by how much I enjoyed using him (I was skeptical for many...
Speaking of 8th edition only, salamanders are well worth it, while razordons are not as useful. I would say the next high priority things to get...
Came up with 1000pts on the nose. Not sure how optimized it really is (I'm used to higher points and a slann lol) LORDS Oldblood 206pts Great...
This is a very helpful m website for making 8th ed lizardmen lists http://www.rengels.de/warhammer/lists/lizardmen/lizardmen.php I'll throw...
Most likely Dark Elves , maybe ogre kingdoms
I made a list to see how many monsters I could cram into a 2501 point list. This is a just for fun list. Lord Saurus old blood 437 Great weapon,...
Thanks! I'm not really committed to anything on the list so dropping a stegadon is no problem. I'll maybe drop a stegadon and get more salamanders...
Those are some great tips, thanks! It's non competitive just between my self and 2 friends (with 2 very different armies lol) I think you might...
I'm looking to make a list that can do well against Dark elves and Ogres. I used to make 1 list to for each, but I would like to try just 1 list...
This list turned out alright, the first game we had ended in a draw. I knew it could have gone better on my part, soI challenged the Ogres for a...
Hello all, I have been having trouble against ogres for a while now and I have a list that I think might do the trick this time. He usually runs...
I'm sorry to burst your bubble but only a slann can be a BSB and have magic items.
Do the 2 Giant blowpipes on ancient stegadons work out to 2x 2d6 shot or 1x2d6 shots? :O