Haha, no way to generate more power dice? All their shamans have becalming cognition... haha I think the writers were good to Beastmen. They...
Our models looks spectacular as well (maybe minus our version of the cold ones...) If you like to paint you can go wild with these guys. I mean,...
It's just that... what could kill 7-8 models on a charge? Mostly heavy calvalry types or really elite infantry. Let saurus handle them. Skrox...
Sorry about the BSB thing, maybe the rule is you can't take magic items and a magic banner as a BSB? And the Carnosaur actually can't be...
whoa... maybe I don't know what sea guard do. 15 attacks from the first rank?? They probably get ASF too, huh? I'm glad you defeated them!...
I like salamanders myself but I guess I've never really tried the razordons... you could always proxy between the two if you're playing with just...
Good deal man. Just a quick question on the 16 skink/2 kroxigor unit. Did you charge into the front of the sea guard or did you hit them in the...
Well, if you broke that group of 25 saurus in to two groups of 12 you'd get no rank bonus from the start but then he'd divide his fire amongst...
Yeah, I am by no means a RAW person but he was shooting his doomwheel in his shooting phase, in his combat phase when he was engaged in combat,...
You could always use Chakax as a unit champ?
Yeah, I took a temple guard and made him a scarvet for my saurus unit, 8 CoR gives you at least one scar vet on Cold One. I bought a box of...
Well, a cool oldblood combo is scimitar of the sun resplendent (or sword of battle if your trying to stay cheap), the maiming shield and carnosaur...
Yeah... I hear that a lot about striking back getting lots of combat res. But if you hit them in the flank... how much do they really have?...
Yeah man, I totally agree. Use the models you like, if you're having fun who cares if you win or lose. I would switch the cold one model though....
I think that's a cool comp system personally. I played in 'Ard boyz once (40k) and it was absurd at what people could do with army lists. My...
I traveled to a different store to play (a GW actually) and they all played kind of weird... Doomwheels that shoot every turn in close combat (NOT...
Fly them into the woods or out of any lines of fire first turn. After that, take out small warmachine crews with charges. Small units (light...
Have you thought about taking out a CO? If you do that, then you still have 6 when you put in your scarvet. 7 is just so unwieldy and do you...
Haha, welcome back. If you were wondering what to get next, I would say go for some more terradons. They are awesome and just about the only...
If you maintain the ability to move your units wherever you want throughout the game you almost always win. We have rock solid troops (saurus),...