Poison wind globadiers: These guys were cool. Throw int combat? Toughness test? Skirmishers? Don't know how much they cost but they are a really...
Yeah, the book says 'like a chariot' a lot. Nothing really says 'chariot' so I'd go with war machine. D6 hits though?? Wow, we didn't play that...
Yeah, I really lucked out with the salamnder and killed off the back rank of storm vermin. 7 is pretty easy to fail, slightly less than half the...
Yeah, I didn't know the rules for the doom wheel and after the third round of combat I realized that the bolts were shooting attacks... Which he...
12 skinks and a kroxigor: These guys were great! I think I lost 1 or 2 skinks in close combat with the globadiers but they destroyed the unit! The...
Scarvet: This guy was boss. 4 great weapon attacks saw off many units of rats and he might have even killed the doom wheel if the CoR wouldn't...
The rest of the game was a forgone conclusion. Snitch fails a charge due to fear then charges in, fails to kill the kroxigor which he directed all...
Turn 3 He moves his doom wheel after 3 turns of great rolls across the stream to terrify the skinks and shoot them but they stay. The globadiers...
Turn 1 He gets first turn and moves everything up. All of his spells fizzle as he misses the casting costs of both. On my turn I make a huge...
I finally played my first game of fantasy today since back when slann were carried on palanquins by temple guard! I made quite a few mistakes...
Alright, another Tyranid player! Are you excited about the new codex or what??? Yeah, I've looked at battlefoam and I gotta say I'm impressed....
I was looking at the Blood Knight's stats and noticed they only have a leadership of 7. Could the Blade of Realities knock them out in one hit?...
I was thinking about putting together a list very similar to this. The only thing is that, depending on who you're playing, salamanders might...
I have heard people using magnetic bases to get their miniatures to stay in place inside of whatever container you want to bring them in. If you...
Really? I don't see anything in this list that makes it any different than most of the other lists I've seen. How do you play it? The only...
Definitely make your slann a bsb. You have two key blocks of saurus and it would be nice to have rerolls. Other than that, I hope your opponents...
Oh, here is the list that I talked about in my post. Black Death, if this isn't the list you meant please let us know. Lords Grey Seer:...
Is the list at the top (the one that you say you're going to use in a tournament) the same one you're talking about using against your flatmate?...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy I painted up a Lizardmen warband for Mordheim very similarly to this but without the "dip." Is the dip...
Black Death, as a Skaven player, do you have any suggestions for how to deal with the Bell/Furnace? I think all of us LM players jumped at the...