First off, I have a question: What type of tournament do you plan on attending? This has quite a bit of bearing on what kind of army you should...
My parents are actually alarmingly supportive of my plastic crack problem. Girlfriends however, let's just say I haven't had much luck in that...
I do not use a horde because I have played against them often enough to know how much a liability a 10-wide unit is. They're incredibly easy to...
The orcs and goblins book has changed, no doubt, but it is still pretty similar in that you're fighting against toughness 4 orcs with some goblins...
I just got an order of a slann in from my LGS this past Saturday. I highly doubt that we'll get new rules at this point, as lizardmen is a really...
I've actually just not used the slotted bases and built the unit specifically so that it would rank up. This is done mostly by offsetting skinks...
That does seem rather extreme! Impossible to run a lot of lords and 900+ points of core... High elves are really, really screwed as far as I can...
I have my units with 24 skinks and 3 kroxigors, deployed 6x6. It synergizes very well will buff spells, especially those from the lore of life,...
Yeah, people can still cast vortexes when in close combat. Makes purple sun rather nasty if used correctly.
You and your friend will have to share power and dispel dice, meaning that you only really need 1 level 4 caster. If that should be an archmage or...
As far as razordons go, they tend not to be nearly as effective as salamanders because they cannot march and still shoot (as the salamander can)....
It's pretty easy to convert up a great-weapon wielding saurus though. I used the plastic CoC model and a handful of bits I had laying around....
Being a high elf player myself, I'd say that they are top tier if, and only if, they use Teclis/Book of Hoeth or possibly with a Star Dragon in...
This is incorrect. Units do not share the same ward save as characters in them (the exception being items that specifically state that it is...