I have got desert themed lizardmen. I use snakebite leather for the skin and calthan brown for the scales ;) and it works very well . It is also...
Re: Next AOW lizardman Yeah the mask is just awesome. :D
I`m in. I have got some saurus, some chamelenos and some CoC. I will probably make it to 250-300.
Speechless :jawdrop:
I suggest that you use GM grass and some rock in your yard(park, forrest or anything like that) . That is how i do it(plus some skulls from my...
Wow :jawdrop: . You have got some awesome models there. I really like the hunting pack. The sallys really go well with green skinks.
Re: WiP for a new modeller: advice, tips, contructive critic I really like the cold one. How did you manage to get it in that position? ;)
I did a conversion of an oldblood riding a crocodile. I only use it in games with my friends. I used a crocodile toy and painted it. I used the...
Wow :jawdrop: amazing work. Love the saurus can´t wait the skinks.
Re: Lustria themed Vampires Good story. ;)
Is that a tounge he has in his mouth or is it just a golden tooth. Really nice work overall! :D
Re: Lustria themed Vampires Tenehauin would look great with the hearth in his hand. You can add something like the coldron of blood that dark...
I have a desert theme. For the skin I used snakebite leather and for the scales I used calthan brown. I painted the shield with beleached bone...
I´m in. I don´t have so much to paint as most of you(8 saurii and a whole box of CoC). I´m not planing to buy anything ´´major´´ till april.
Plus the Tg can have a magical banner to 50 pts.
I think of it like the lore of light is more to kill the enemy than to stop it(because of the higher WS more hits more kills ;) ). Life works...
When I played against skaven my saurii(with spears) were just walking through clantrats. And like many said use camos to kill war machines. ;)
TG also have 4WS and saurii only have 3WS. More attacks hit and at higher S. It made a difrence in my game.
My anvil saurus units are 20 models big. It´s enough to hold in place most of core units fo two turns at least. For more powerfull units I have...
Thanks for answering to me. :D