How about in close combat do they get +1 to their armor save.
In my rulebook I saw that a halberd requires two hands but temple guards on all pictures have both a halberd and a shiled. Did I overlook any...
The coloures are like a carnosaurus in our army book. I really like them. Can´t wait to see more pictures. :D
As a hammer I think CoC would be pretty good and kroxigors are very good at it.
I think he would be a good troop killer. With S5 and WS10 plus lots of attacks(around 6).
I really like the coloures of the slann. I think I will use the red colouer for the slann too. :D
Awesome :D
I really like the colouer scheme. Can´t wait to see the rest of the army. ;)
Very nice work. Is the second model ment to be a lizardmen path or is it ment to be a gate. ;)
Thanks for explaining that to me :D
I saw it. But then why does it say in hold your ground ability that this cannot be used if he is fleeing(he can´t flee right because he would die...
Only the standart bearer dies the BSB flees as normal.
Saurus are a very good anvil unit if you use HW/S. And even if you hit on 4+. They are not ment to kill the enemy just stop it.
Ok. Thanks :D
Yours look real but mine is just like a piece of paper :depressed: . Any suggestions?
I have got a good trunk of the palm but I don´t know how to make good palm leaves . Does anyone know how to make them or where to buy them?...
It would look really good if you would wash the shield with dark green. The saurus itself looks great. :D
These dinosaurs could all be hunting packs like salamanders and razodons. ;)
I am making a giant desert turtle convertion. It is going to a bit smaller than the stegadon and it is going to have a saurus crew with lences or...
For the killing power I use CoC but stegadons and salamenders are also very good at it. :mad: