maybe a stegadon to charge his spearmen and too draw his arrows on him(so the skinks will survive) and some salamenders too flame them :meh:
My regular opponat ussualy has 3 monsters so I have an oldblood on a cold one with the blade of reality. It works pretty well since all he does is...
Chameleon skinks are very good at attacking lone characters and warmachines. I usualy take a stalker if any modifiers occur.
Hi I am just building my army and I have some saurus and terradons. Is there any tactic how to use terradons corretly in this army. Thanks for...
I think I will go with the oldblood on a cold one. And one more question. Is a cold one good enough or is a horned one better and worth the points?
Hello I was wondering if the strenght modifiers for shooting apply to saurus as well. thanks
It´s amazing :jawdrop: . Do you know who made it?
I think salamenders are very good in the center of a saurus army. Three salamenders will burn the enemy elite :meh: and saurus warriors will do...
I think I will go with the oldblood and a skink priest or two.
Hi I´m bulilding my army and I can´t decide who is better. Is a slann better or the oldblood on a carnosaur for the hitting power. I will play...
I usualy take 6 COC and have musician and standart barer.
Even if option 2 is correct you can still use oxyotl to kill the grey seer.
I really like the night sky behind him. Nice job :D
Thank you. I think I will use the coloures on the picture you posted . I will get the coloures and post some pictures of the results. :D
Hello I´m building my army and thought that desert lizardmen would look pretty good. Any proposals how to do it. Thanks
I think dark green with black spots would look great.
You can use large blocks of saurus armed with spears(since dwarves don´t have spears and you will make more attacks) and camo skinks to take out...
I also use spears. I always have some COC near for a finishing touch. :D
The scales are painted very good. Nice job :D ;)
Thank you everybody. :D