AS the topic says I am wondering how bad a miscast will affect a slann? I know the table has alot of bad in it but when I play other people they...
I was thinking of using him solo slann. I really don't want my slann to blow up in a unit with death lol. I see where your coming with the spears...
So I decided to change the list a bit for this tourney which is this saturady at long last. Let me know how it sounds... Slann Mage Priest -...
Touche sir. But at that point with the WOCH sorc I will cogiation him until he runs circles around me lol plus I can imagine that he will be...
sThank you for your input but if you read my previous posts you will see I have already split them up I didn't know life was mainstream? either...
I like tht ideea I have used skrox to middling effect as well either my opponent ignores it and goes after another unit or they get into combat...
So I have redone my list a bit with your considerations. decided not to go with another magic weapon on the other scar vet. A little torn about...
Ill take the idea on the banner of flame. Sounds good to me. I am curious as to your thoughts on the skrox tho at 16/2 how is that in horde...
Hey guys need a little advice and ideas for a 1500 point tourney list. here is the list as is. Slann Mage Priest becalming cogitation focus of...
Coatl anyone? If we could put a skink on a COatl I would laugh my arse off! Thunder lizard please?
Agreed with Tim-rek bring sallies. Panic test the hell out of thos marauders. Take as many units of 1 or 2 as you can fit in the list.
Good to heaer you did better man. You should be throwing your chief and steg at the vamp on dragon. I have seen GLaurauch the first chaos dragon...
Agreed seems like ti ouldn't be an issue. Anyone gives you grief just show him the channel rules lol
Yeah Like I sadi before. For some reason VC players like to lie and cheat in my Experience. No offense meant. AS to the Cheif yeah its in our...
Awesome stuff bud! Hope you can stomp on some of your school mates! FI like the list you have going so far. Very solid. I only have one idea for...
Well done! Winning against those armies can be a pain =) looks like you have the Old Ones on your side indeed! I am curious how you did against...
Agreed with the other guys. Skinks are king against Ogres. The best armor they got are on their bulls. I thinnk its like a 5+. IMHO I would like...
Alright. I had this problem in 7th too man the raise dead spam orks too damn good. I have not played the new VC and not even in 8th ed but the...
I like the style you went with Good scheme. Personally I would aim for a wash of devaln mud on the bones as they are supposed to be passed down...
All right :) I will send you guys a picture of them once I can get them all out. Getting ready to move into my new house so everything is packed...