Welcome back to warhammer! First, I would ditch the old blood, the slann is already too expensive by himself. Also, I'd drop the scar vet(unless...
Hey lustria, it's been too long. Haven't been playing much warhammer lately (busy) and when I have time been painting my IW, which I thought would...
Welcome to Lustria! You won't regret starting lizards!
Also you can throw some cohort skinks his way to make him happy :D one of the few things smellier can go up against and expect to win
If he brings multiple units (say 3 or more) small units your cold ones can still serve a purpose, I would just keep the unit at a minimum, cuz it...
Honestly hard hitting hammers like CoC arent as effective vs tomb kings cuz they cant run from combat rez and theyll just grind your coc to death,...
Also, if u hit them in the flank, unless they want to get whittled all game, they have to turn to kill him and get hit in the flank.
Here's what they look like after about 2and a half hours [attach]
Also, I couldn't find this rule but can you flee a charge in Mordheim? Also, is there line of sight needed to charge? ( I.e. If my skink is...
Can i give a skink a bow and shield and use them both? I'm mainly worried about a save bs shooting
Don't know if this matters but we are Using dif terrain rules because we don't have barely any city terrain, I'm thinking this will make climbing...
Theres a mordheim league starting next week at my store, and ive never seen or played mordheim, although a guy did show me his kislev list, and i...
Thnk you
Yeah, I could have sworn there was another sepia, and I won't need it I don't think, I have sepia already, although doesn't gryphonne give a...
I'm gonn probably go skull white spray, followed by sepia all over, then watered mud in crevices, with a skull white dry brush on the highlights,...
Also, since I won't have extra models to sample on, I'm guessing thin light wash on raised areas, dark wash on joints etc., and also, for bronze...
Would devlin mud be better for a dark or light brown? What would be the opposite?( if sepia doesn't really work? :clown:
Now I know this isn't really the correct forum but I Was wondering how to paint tomb kings skeletons?
Thank you guys: D