Thanks, I also think they may be the easiest army for me to paint, can I run a reasonably competitive cav or chariot list w/ them?
I recently won a tourney this weekend, and since it was the last tourney of escalation we thought we'd up the anti and go for a 15$ buy in, I won...
I had one but it is falling apart and destroyed so I threw it out, but thanks
How much is a scar vet w/ dawnstone and dragon helm?( don't own a main rulebook )
Thanks, this still needs some shading/ hilighting, but it at least has my color scheme. [attach]
Says my pictures can only be 1 pixel?
Does anyone know if the new orange wash is darker or lighter than blazing orange?
Thanks, I'll have a pic of my Sally up tommorow
Well, I have 60 sw, a slann, an eotg, 20 TG, a scar vet, 2 Krox, about 70 skinks, a sallie, a baby steg, a skink chief, a skink priest, and loads...
Even then you'd still suffer long range right?
Aah, thanks, also what crest color should those colors go with?
Also what did I just do wrong uploading?
[img]. Is this enough contrast? I'm just starting out painting and have only done a sallie so far, what crest color would you say to go with?
Depending what tour shooting at I usually just march up and suffer that -1
Thanks, although I think I can skip ironcurse, this is an escalation tourney, 2 weeks of league followed by tourney, only warmachine is a...
Hmm, well I only own 9 chamos, and wid you be able to post banner of flame cost, or at least fit it into the list? ( don't have my main rulebook)
The total is 1999
Now I've been trying to perfect my army list for a few weeks now, and I've made this list LORDS: Slann w/ cupped hands, rumination, becalming,...
That's not quite as disgusting as either 12 or 15 man-eaters (can't remember) w/ poisoned brace of pistols and sniping, my slann took a wall of...