I subbed for another Lizard player at a tourney once, and he had Kroak in his list, I faced Vampires, got him within 6" of 30 grave guard and 80...
Any named heroes in our book that are worth it? (tetto'eko looks decent)
I was thinking of picking up a chakax and I was wondering, is he worth his points?
Thank, other question I'm going to a tourney next weekend and I was wondering, what are the best steg splatters in WoC, ogres, and wood elves?...
Can chamo skinks march and shoot, also does my slann bsb have to except challenges? (sorry, fantasy newb I know)
Mwahaha!!!!! I have amassed 6 pots of devlin mud,(a.k.a makes gold look awesome wash) I couldn't risk them discontinuing it, and also for any...
Anyways, thanks for all the help
It sounds like the consensus is put dwellers on big bad units and mop up what's left with templates or charges
Also,anything I shud know about the plague cauldron? It's escorted by 50 plague priests for skaven
They dont get their armor or ward vs dwellers?
What in this list shud I throw into a horde tzeentch warrior unit? Could life slann and TG tarpit it? Or is throwing the slann in too dangerous?
Also the blocks have a standard and musician, and eotg has a dispel scroll( shud I give scroll to slann to protect it from first round bolt...
Both take khorne knights, the rest is tzeentch, with one guy ringing a horde unit of 40 tzeentch warriors, and I have a slann bsb with cupped...
Also if this helps I know I'm up against 2 wood elves players 2 tzeench WOC players, a shaven player, an ogre player, and a high elf player. I'm...
I have my first tourney that Is big enough to bring my slann I've played in, and for a TG, Saurus, stegs, and sallies army should I take life or...
Thanks, tourney is in 12 days so I'll get in some practice games and if I see any major flaws I'll post them
Thanks, do you think that the slamander can so something by itself? Or should I try to fit another? Also I only had 30 points left so that will...
Hi, I'm relatively new to lizardmen, I've been playing warhammer fantasy off and on for about 2 months now (working on my chaos marines more than...
Cab someone comment on my list?also the special rules. 3d3 casting dice (they count as d6 for dispel dice), only up to 200 points of shooting,...
so i shouldnt bring em to a 500 point tourney you think? and ty for the help