Yeh they where running into problems with that the rules are hero up to150, 3 d3 powerdice( count as d6 for dispel) only up to 200 points of...
Reason I'm asking is cuz Im making a 500 point tourney list, here it is. Block...
Can I get a 0+ save in 8th edition?
I recently got2 stegs at the same time and I've built the engine but not the other, should I make it a regular steg?
What is chamo skinks purpose and how should I play them?
Would it be immoral use a cold one champ as a scarvet on cold one? Cuz I've heard he's quite good even by himself
thanks for all the help its much appreciated
sorry havent been on a while but 3 things, one, i got a 50$ gift card to gw so i think ill invest in more temple guard to up my bunker to 20 or...
the lord draigo model in ur slideshow was done by a guy from the gw i go to
Ty and Wat would get a reg stomp? Also isthis ur site strewart?
Where is this in the rulebooks in case someone challenges it
No clue but I can say if u make an engine of the gods stegadon it will gve u about 200 more points to your list, and also hello! ( waves...
Also how do iget a picture for my profile next to my posts
I've played about 2 dozen minor skirmishes so far of between 500 and 1000 points and this will be my first 2500 point game (gulp) my opponent...
I have been loving the Saurus though, toe to toe with other basic units of around the same value they are winning out about 75% of the time...
Ty and I meant to say 24 skinks so far they have fought clanrats and high elf spearmen
Just got my first and 2nd stegs today my question is, since the engine steg is a mount can I count it into my Herod category cuz I'd love to have...
ive had some expierience with a unit of 3 krox and 18 skinks, and ive been throwing them into combat against pretty easy squads and they always...
Because of lack of models I'm running a block of 15 Saurus w/ musician a block of 14 Saurus with a scar vet, he has the bane of the fire fly or...