I just started playing fantasy 2 weeks ago and this forum really helped me out, so this is my attempt to give back since i am a 40k vet. I can...
20 max and 3d3 wen rolling for magic but it counts as d6 towards their dispel
also wud the scar vet be by himself?
thats also good cuz in warbands its 3 d3 dice for magic but it counts as d6 towards their dispell, so if u rolled like a 2, 4, snd 6 u wud get 6...
i was also thinking 29 saurus and scar vet with the one time 2+ ward in 2 squads of 15 and 2 squads of 6 skinks one squad with javelin shield
hmm so that wud it be decent to take 2 squads of 8 one squad with javelin shield? that wud be a lot more shots plus i have the models for it. any...
I there anything I can take instead of the chameleons to make the list work? Don't wanna drop that much money so fast
is 10 chameleon skinks usually around 115$ painted on ebay?
k ty
....... they come with 3 in a box? thats not very good.
also i dont have chameleon models, how much are they and how many come in a box? is it worth the price?
so you guys think chameleons are worths the 12 points then? are they pretty much skinks with -1 to hit them, +1 bs and scout?
It's at a gw but it is run by just some normal guy, all I know is that he's playing a whole lot of peasants and general on pegasus
first off, first week playing fantasy, whats the shaman, also whats mordheim? soor newb i know
Does anyone know about warbands? Basically it's a 500 point tourney with a few special rules. Anyway I was thinking 20 Saurus no command in 2...
if i bought a battle box starter thingy, box of skink skirmishers and 2 things of saurus, 2 stegs, 2 sallamanders skink priest and also...
aah i see in 40k it seems different in the fact that some units are point fillers and then you have a couple things that will wreck you if you...
anything major to watch out for in each army? sorry for the lengthyness of the required answer but i would really appreciated seeing how i have no...
so if i dont have an uploading program i cant upload?
Wait how do I post the pic?