Banners are a must regardless of fortitude imo.
I am not sure either
Unfathomable presence is 5 more points then Obsidian Lodestone and you get the same thing. So 5 more pts saved
Do all double also cause him to roll on the miscast table, because I do not see how you could survive rolling on that table more then a couple...
Totally agree. Saurus Saurus and more Saurus!
Firstly I would bump the TG up to atleast 20 to give your Slann the utmost protection. I would drop the EotG. In 2000 pts I find a Slann and a...
Dagger of Sotek is for Skinks only, so the Scar Vet could not use that.
When you charge a unit that is already fleeing do they stand there and die or do they get a charge reaction of flee?
its a fire thrower
Well the rules for the tournament came out recently and I am not allowed to use lords or rares, so that drastically changes my list. I now have...
Re: suport xisor I agree with strewart. I do not understand your angle with this post. Why not just make that post under Xisor's?
nope no extra spell This place has some crazy looking bases, although I have never bought any, I like to imagine.
Nice chart! Exactly what i was looking for.
Stegadons, Engine of the Gods Change the first sentence of the final paragraph to “In addition, a Skink Priest that has taken the Engine of the...
I like it. I would possibly combine the two sallies. Also you can save yourself 5 pts on your Slann by taking the obsidian lodestone instead of...
1% ??? How did you come up with that.
I would agree with pwidget. But if thats all you have to work with then that is all that can be done. I would suggest working with your magic...
Man he isn't bashing your idea. Stop nerd raging. He is throwing his opinion out their and making valid points. How about you open your mind to...
read the ones under army lists and not pointing point values