Lizardmen took the island over, under the will of Lord Mazdamundi who put the mists back up to no one could venture there again. If I you really...
I tended to always believe that their low Int was reflected in their cold blooded rule. Slow to react that sort of angle.
After delving into the rulebook, I admit I am wrong about the alignment of the charge, and do apologize.
Get a ruler or get 6 25mm bases and 5 20mm bases. Now imagine you are the 20mm guys charging the 6 25mm wide guys. Are you going to charge in to...
For less then the price on you rather spend one more point for one temple guard then give everyone within 12 inches of your Slann Ld of 10. I...
What can you do to combat the hell pit abomination? Especially in lets say a 1000pt battle. Even in a higher point game. They are really tough...
Disagree. Ld 10 on your whole army plus cold-blooded equals big time win. Very last page, very last entry of the BRB FAQ confirms that the...
Still have too many arcane items on your priest
What makes me angry that spells with these no saves of any kind allowed negate magic resist. The whole point of magic resist is to make saves on...
I personally try to make my Saurus 20 models min. 5x4 , any wider is just an awful waste. 5x5 in larger battles. The fact is that 6 wide is far...
It is my understanding that units such as sword masters that have Always Strike First and great weapons do not get re-rolls to hit and that they...
What if you blow a unit off the table edge with wind blast or is it even possible? Does it cease to exist, stop at the board edge, or come back...
The Old blood i believe is a great choice seeing as I will be challenging like crazy with him. With a plus one to hit and a minus 1 to be hit...
LRB = the little rule book
Ok I am ramping up for a Tournament 1000pts at my local hobby store and I want to win. Saurus Oldblood -Sword of Striking -Glittering Armor...
Gonna have to take a Boondocks approach and go with "a pimp named Slann Back" ok slann back... no you have to say the whole thing a pimp named...
Page 172 in the LRB
This is correct. If you read page 6 of the Lizzie book I think this will all be explained in full detail. Elves, dwarfs, and men were all...