I have been playing Lizardmen since the beginning of 4th ed. I have read alot on these forums recently with the release of 8th ed, and picked up...
First off your Slann cannot take 2 dispel scrolls and the cupped hands. You only get one arcane item per wizard. Yes the Slann can be the...
Stop listing point values.
First i think their are a few combos out there better then scimitar of the sun for less points. Heck sword of strife same thing +2 A at less...
Thats all the advice out there?
Why ironcurse icon on your slann? He already has a 4+ ward. Adding a 6+ ward on top wont do anything. Unless its for the guard I guess.
Thought I might try out a Saurus Old Blood with a Wizarding Hat. That being said, it states that user uses a randomly chosen lore. That being...
What army am I going to fight? Well all of them. I am thinking maybe dropping the two stegadons with gaint bows, since I am not having the best...
Slann Mage Priest -Plague of Tepok -Obsidian Trinket -Focus of Rumination -BSB -not sure which lore im going with 20 Temple Guard -Standard...