Thanks RipperDerek! I've read a couple of your posts regarding rippers, great stuff! At first I was building around having a skrox block and a...
I really like the Ripperdactyl Riders, the models, the rules, the fluff, they're lovely! I'm not sure how to build an army around them though,...
Re: The 8e Lizardmen Handbook Hey, I'm just wondering, what's the synergy between Harmonic Convergence and Channeling Staff? I don't understand,...
Oh, forgot to write Light Armour! I had it in my calculations, so he's rocking the 2+ re-rollable save now :) As for the Skink Brave, I thought...
Okay so here's a remade list with some of the advice taken into consideration. Heroes Scar-Veteran: Sword of Striking, Enchanted Shield,...
Thanks, will go with that :) looks nasty
I was also thinking about level 2 for the priest, but the problem is that I already spent 219p on heroes, if I add level 2 I will exceed the 25%...
First try at a 1000p army with the new rulebook. Note that I have yet to play my first battle of warhammer, so any advice, even the simplest ones,...
Just as newscales said, squeezing in one or two salamanders would do well I think. They really shine with their ability to soften up infantry...
Hey! So I'm wondering if it is possible to get my username changed. My friend created this account for me a couple of months ago, and he just...
The BRB phrased it like this: "The only character permitted to carry a Magic Standard is the army's Battle Standard Bearer.". The way I interpret...
Thanks! Yeah I could easily flip around some points to be able to add a champion to the skrox unit, sounds like a good idea. Just hope that I can...
Hey, I'm relatively new to WHFB, as in I havn't played any games yet (boooooo!), but I have been checking out this forum alot since I joined....
I see, thanks for the advice!
Could Potion of Strength be a viable choice for low point games? As in just trying to massacre a high point target for example a character, as...
That sounds nice. I'm new to WFHB so not really used to making armylists yet. I also thought something along with Sword of Might and Glittering...
So I'm trying to come write an armylist of 1000points, but I'm having troubles deciding how to field my heroes, more specifically my Scar-Vet. I...
Thanks for all the advice! I'm tweaking and experimenting with some points to make the most of them, but since me and my friends are new to this...
Oh how could I have missed that, min size is 3 terradons. Well that's embarrassing :shifty: . Considering the Hero problem, I want to keep them...
What do you mean?